Cleaning and Care Products

Like all technology, your hearing aids require care and maintenance. Keeping your devices clean can help prevent wear and tear, extend the life of your technology, and keep you hearing clearly. Regular use of the following items can help ensure that your hearing experiences are second to none.

  • Dehumidifers: A dehumidifier is designed for the maintenance and storage of all types of hearing aids, the device is a maintenance chamber that dries and disinfects your hearing aids. This process kills fungi and bacteria, and it greatly reduces itching and the chance of infections.
  • Cleaning Wipes: Cleansing wipes contain a surface-active agent that is effective against earwax but doesn’t damage hearing aids, helping to facilitate the daily cleaning of your hearing aids.
  • Cleaning Spray: Cleaning spray is specially designed to dissolve earwax quickly, which helps improve sound quality without damaging hearing aids. Cleaning sprays also help prevent skin irritations and eczema.


How and what to clean your hearing aids with

Cleaning your hearing aids on a daily basis helps to ensure their performance and longevity, and it saves money on repairs. Easy to fit into your nightly routine, these hearing aid cleaning tips will help you to reduce the amount of wax, debris, dust, and other contaminants that could affect your technology.

How to clean your hearing aids depends upon the type of hearing aid you have. For instance, BTE technology contains an earmold that can be submerged in water (NOTE: not your entire hearing aid!) and cleaned with certain solutions or soap, while that would be detrimental to an ITE device. Ask your hearing care provider what the best practices are for cleaning your specific hearing aid style.

No matter which kind you have, the shell, the receiver, and the microphone are what you’ll want to focus on.

First Things First:

  • Wash your hands and make sure they are dry before cleaning hearing aids.
  • Work over a soft surface to prevent losing or breaking anything that might fall.
  • Be extra mindful when cleaning, handling each piece with care.
  • Turn technology upside down so debris will fall out rather than get pushed back in.
  • Do not use a soaking wet cloth, unapproved solutions, or cotton swabs.
  • If earwax is something that continues to be an issue, ask your provider about having your ears professionally cleaned.
  • NEVER put your hearing aid in water.


What You’ll Need:

  • Wire loop for cleaning earwax out of the receiver
  • A wax pick to clear out the vent
  • A brush to remove debris from the entire hearing aid (mostly for ITE devices) and microphone
  • A multi-tool is very handy when cleaning hearing aids as it has the above pieces as well as a magnet to help remove your battery
  • Tubing air blower, which is used mostly for cleaning moisture out of the tube that connects your over-the-ear ear mold, or dome


Let’s Clean!

  1. Always take the batteries out before cleaning your hearing aid.
  2. The case or the shell of your device is best cleaned with a soft cloth or brush as described above. If there are particularly difficult parts, you can use a damp cloth to help remove the debris.
  3. The receiver is most subject to wax buildup, so you will want to be sure to be careful and thorough when scooping out debris. It’s also good practice to focus on brushing the receiver when you’re done scooping to make sure you’ve gotten everything.
  4. Using the brush again, gently clean the microphone.
  5. When done, keep your batteries out and the door open (brush gently) on a towel at night. Even better, a dehumidifier is more effective in removing moisture from your technology, helping it last longer.


Cleaning hearing aids manually is the ideal way to maintain them, but over time debris, dust, and wax will build up, so take advantage of your practice’s clean and checks. During this time, parts will be thoroughly cleaned or even replaced to make sure your technology is working its best — so your hearing can too.

Step by Step Video Instructions